How We Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Here’s a peek into our homestead’s medicine cabinet. We use all-natural, traditional methods along with a whole food diet, homeopathy, and essential oils.

Today I want to share with you all how we stay healthy during cold and flu season. It’s easier than you may think. Because it’s been practiced for hundreds of years. Some methods are known to be centuries-old practices.

Nature Is Where It’s At For Us

I love to know that the elements of the earth, so many wonderful roots, plants, herbs, and flowers that God created are for our good. Then God gave us the smarts to figure it all out! I am so grateful.

Have you ever wondered how the drug companies come up with the drugs that are used to treat ailments? With a little research you’ll find that scientists take nature’s constituents and properties to mimic in the lab. Thus, they mass produce and create a substance that have the same effects, yet aren’t the same in the end. Hence, the very fine print found at the bottom of the advertisements, warning of the potential risks involved, including death.

So with all that said, we choose to heal our family as naturally as can be. But don’t get me wrong … modern medicine certainly has its place, and even in our home currently. Beauty #4 has epilepsy and we are thankful for the modern drugs that she is dependant upon, for now. Also, conventional doctors are great for diagnosis, necessary surgeries, and more!

Video How We Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

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Mullein Leaf

Epsom Salt

Essential Oils I use and trust

Echinacea with Goldenseal

Vitamin C

Vitamin C powder for smoothies

Baobab from Amazon or from Trim Healthy Mama Store

Vitamin D with K2

Fermented Cod Liver Oil

How We Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season — What We Use

In my medicine cabinet I keep an ample supply of different elements for their various powerhouses they bring to our table.

Elderberry Syrup

I’ve shared how we make elderberry syrup here on the blog. I WILL. NOT. be without this amazing, beneficial fruit. We have definitely noticed it’s powerful effect on keeping us immune, and healing us quicker when we do get sick. Find out all the info about the how and why over on that post.

Fire Cider

Another powerhouse of antiviral and antibiotic properties. This amazing tonic is a must as well. It’s great for prevention, and in the event of the sudden onset of a throat irritation, swig some of this fire cider and, whoa! Talk about a kick in the pants! It kicks those viruses TO THE CURB, BABY! I love it. Read more about it and how to make it HERE.

Herbal and Vitamin Supplements

It’s always beneficial to eat a clean, whole-foods diet as much as possible. But the reality is that we just aren’t getting enough of the vitamins and minerals needed to fight off all the things. So here are a few supplements I keep on hand, take daily, especially during the cold and flu season, and also give to my family.

Homeopathic Remedies

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. All information I share with you is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. I encourage you to do your own research; you are responsible for your own health and for the use of any remedies, treatments, or medications you use at home.

Homeopathic medicine has been around for over two hundred years. It’s a practice that’s been gaining popularity in practice ever since.

I am new to homeopathy and have employed it in our home the past two years. But WOW have I seen results!

What the heck is homeopathy anyway? Basically, it’s based on the premise of “like cures like”. This concept interested Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of Germany as he studied the principles of the Law of Similars.

Homeopathy Education Resource

I took the “Gateway to Homeopathy” course by Joette Calabrese and that really explained it so beautifully and made perfect sense (I am not an affiliate — just really like her courses, podcast, website, etc).

Joette explains it much better over on her blog. Read her explanation of it here. I’ll leave it to her since she’s the professional and highly respected in the homeopathy community.

This subject is really something to consider and research for yourself. I’m here to tell you that it works, because it has worked for us.

We’ve used it for flus, strep, sore throats, broken bones, allergies, menstrual pain, moodiness, aches and pains, and the list goes on. When my children ask, “Where’s the Arnica Montana?” or “Mom, you need to reorder Pulsatilla and Sabadilla please,” you know it’s a keeper.

Find out more at Joette’s website, where you can search her vast knowledge about remedies she uses for all kinds of things. Here’s a great list of specific flu remedies.

Basic List to Get You Started

Here’s a list of common remedies to keep on hand, most of which I have used and administered to my family:

  • arnica montana for trauma, head injuries, pain and swelling from bruises and dental work
  • apis mellifica for bee stings, hives, bug bites
  • aconitum napellus for pain, swelling and shock of sprained ankles
  • croton tiglium and rhus tox work for poison ivy and other itchy, inflamed outbreaks
  • ipecac for relentless vomiting
  • influenzinum for flu prevention (refer to this list of complete remedies)
  • oscillococcinum for initial flu symptoms
  • ruta graveolens for ligaments, braces pain, back and shoulder pain

I purchase our remedies through OHM Pharma, remedies manufactured right here in the states. They only sell to those under the care or tutelage of a professional. I had access upon completing one of Joette’s courses.

However, Boiron and Highlands are excellent sources as well. You can find some remedies on Amazon and natural health food stores, like Whole Foods and New Seasons.

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How we stay healthy during cold and flu season.  Our natural approach and peek into our homestead medicine cabinet. Our Amyable Farmhouse.

How do you stay healthy?

I hope you enjoyed learning about the multiple ways our family practices to stay healthy during cold and flu season.

Let me know the ways you are being proactive, if you use some of these methods, and what methods are your favorite!