amyable farmhouse meet amy

Hello there, I’m Amy!

I’m an Oregon wife to an amazing man who lives with four females!  Our daughters’ future men have a lot to live up to.  My day job is a homeschooling mama to three of the most beautiful girls. I’m entering a new season of parenthood now that our oldest daughter is an adult and on her own.  God has blessed me with their love. I grew up in California and Hawaii, but Oregon is my home, and country’s always been in my heart. Our family dreams of one day owning some land to homestead, harvest, and beekeep.  Until then, we live in an 1910 farmhouse, last updated in the 80s, which we slowly chip away at restoring to farmhouse style, one project at a time. I am a health fanatic.  My first introduction to real health and what that means/looks like was, oddly enough, at a MOPS meeting (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) in 2008.  I will always be so grateful for that guest nutritionist who forever changed my life!  Since then, I have researched, studied, and practiced my way to a healthier way of eating and living.  Most times my kitchen counter has bone broth in the InstantPot, some kind of vegetable fermenting in mason jars, water kefir brewing, and sourdough bread rising.  Not to mention the soaps, cleaners, tooth powders, lotions, lip balms, and pit-stick, er uh, I mean deodorant that I may be replenishing. I utilize natural remedies, essential oils, and homeopathy whenever I can.  I have the pleasure of having a local friend who is a board certified holistic nutritionist, and teaches me about herbal decoctions, infusions, and the wonderful world of shrubs, to name a few!

fun facts about me:

I’ve played the piano since I was seven. Whenever somebody says a phrase that happens to be or is close to a lyric from a famous song or musical, I burst into song, finishing the lyric.  Or singing the entire song. *GRIN* My favorite way to wind down is with a nice glass of red wine, plate of various flavored toscano cheeses, and chocolate.  Must. Have. Chocolate! After graduating high school, I got my private pilot’s license when I was sixteen.  Thanks Dad, thanks Mom! I love to see what new thing I can learn, be it an instrument, sewing, crocheting, knitting, or whatever needs done around the house.  I’m super frugal so I always seek Pinterest when I have a desire to fix, change, or accomplish any project. I homeschool my girls and find myself falling more in love with them every day. our amyable farmhouse about amy

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