Spring Garden Seed Starts

It’s that time of year again: seed starts for the spring garden. I always have big dreams and goals! I’m anxious to see what my garden will look like later this year!
You know how some people have a green thumb? For some, it can be said they have a black thumb. Me? I like to think I have more of a colorless thumb. 😉 That’s what I’m claiming for now, anyway.

My track record with plants – ANY plants – is not the greatest. I’m the type of personality that expects greatness from my genius effort of poking a seed into some dirt, generously providing water and light, and then (not so) patiently waiting for the first sign of life to emerge.
Apparently, there’s more to it than that. I usually get to the part of transplanting, and after the deed wonder why the plant doesn’t produce like the Garden of Eden. I mean, that’s how it’s supposed to work. In my world. Oh, ye of naive bliss.

So, each year I keep trying, researching, and learning. I’m also known for not quitting easily. That comes from my mom – thanks, Mom! Back in the 2nd grade, when math was my nemesis, my mom sat me down and said, “Amy, you can either let this subject master you, or you can master it!” Let’s just say my mother knew me very well, as any mother would know her child. She played right into my Irish stubborn streak that my little freckled-face, auburn-haired self was all too well-known.
This year shall be my year! I can feel it. Last year I managed to grow a few squash, watermelon, and some tomatoes. So this year, between all the flower, herbs, and veggies I hope to grow, I should have some success.

Hello, my name is Amy, and I love flowers. But you would never know it by the lack of landscaping around here. This year is the year to remedy that. Tulips are my favorite thus far in my life, but maybe I will fall in love with a new fave, after lovingly starting some by seeds.
Some of my favorite companies I order my seeds from are Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co and Territorial Seed Company. Here’s my 2019 flower seed order:
- Snow Princess Calendula
- Thai Butterfly Pea
- Giant White Sunflower
- Queen Lime Blush Zinnia
- Bachelor’s Button (I know, you’re thinking ‘it’s a weed!’ but I’ve always loved them)
- Scabiosa Zinnia
- Bells of Ireland ( I CAN NOT WAIT !!!!)
- Polar Bear Zinnia
- Mongolian Giant Sunflower
- Pacific Beauty Mix Calendula (dual purpose since I will be trying my hand at herbal tinctures)
- Queen Lime Green Zinnia
- Strawflower-Tall Choice Double Mix
- Vanilla Marigold

I had the opportunity to take an apothecary class this past year taught by my good friend, Sherry Domer from Redeeming Vitality. She taught all about herbal tinctures and how to use them. It was fantastic! That is why I just had to get some herb seeds and start growing my very own herb garden. Here’s what I got:
- Stevia
- Thyme
- Chamomile
- Fennel
- Lavender
- Yarrow
- Dill
- Marshmallow
- Plantain
- Cinnamon Basil and Basil
- Viola
- Echinacea

- German Butterball Potatoes
- Ruby Crush Tomato
- Sweet Potato (this may not have been a good idea for northwest Oregon)
- Detroit Beets
- Glass Gem Corn – because, the name spoke to me, not to mention how gorgeous it is! P.s. I like pretty things.
- Luffa
- Calima Bean
- Lettuce Mix
- Golden Beet
- Sugar Magnolia Tendril Pea – because, it makes me feel close to the Magnolia Silos and Joanna. Yes, I’m weird like that.
- Chinese 5 Color Pepper – let’s be honest … I’m growing these for the ornamental factor. I may or may not get to the master gardener point of harvest, dry, and grind into homemade chili pepper. Keepin’ it real.
- Muncher Cruncher – and why is it every time I read this variety of cucumber I start to sing the commercial from my early childhood, “Munch muncha muncha muncha, Fritos go with lunch” ? Anybody???
- Alaska Garden Pea – if they can grow it, then I should be golden LOL!
- Purple Lady Bok Choy
- Brad’s Atomic Grape Tomatoes – I love grape tomatoes right off the vine, snacking while strolling through the garden. These just caught my eye!
- Hill Country Heirloom Red Okra – as any Trim Healthy Mama out there knows, stock up the freezer with these babies! Plus the Hill Country Heirloom spoke to me, as if it were Pearl and Serene themselves. 😉 BTW, their podcasts and YouTube vids are full of excellent info and they always crack me up.
- Patisson Strie Melange Squash – now you see why I didn’t even try to pronounce it on the video.
Whew! That seems like a whole lotta stuff for this ‘ol gal. It’s OK, you can laugh at me. I do all the time! Anyway, this is what I have planned so far. I may add a few more things. We’ll see how it goes.

Spring garden seed starts Video
My inlaws have a gorgeous place where they’ve worked very hard and created a beautiful home, garden, and grounds. They have a greenhouse where they share space with me so I can start my garden seeds, and educate me along the way. ‘Cuz I’m a greenhorn, people!
Don’t forget that our older generations have A LOT of wisdom. I’ve always found it to be true that they love to share it with others. With that in mind, seek out those silver-crowned souls, invite them over, and have long talks about life. You’ll be so glad you did!
Thank you, mom/dad in-law for having me and the girls over this day to start our spring garden seed starts, for the education in the greenhouse, for the photo ops of your beautiful grounds, and for the memories made with your grandchildren in the kitchen. Truly blessed!
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What are you planting this year?
Do you like to garden? Tell me all about your plans. I’d love to hear them!
March 11, 2019 @ 1:50 pm
Love your post. Saw it on IG. I love your selection. Chamomile is a favorite for making beauty products. ❤️
March 11, 2019 @ 1:53 pm
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to use these herbs. Do you have a fave recipe you use with Chamomile?