Simple Tooth Powder: Minerals and Essential Oils

This simple tooth powder with minerals and essential oils is one of my favorite ways to save money! All natural, healing and health-promoting, this is our go-to recipe to keep our pearly chompers clean, and our wallet happy!

Instead of purchasing toothpaste from the store, I easily make this frugal tooth powder at home. As a result, no questionable ingredients here for a fraction of the cost. I am all about saving money and making it yourself when possible. Our family aims to live a debt-free life. This one little step towards saving money has snowballed over the years into various ways I’ve learned to reduce our household costs.

simple tooth powder frugal healthy ingredients

Why would I take the time to make my own toothpaste replacement? I mean, I’m a busy homeschooling mom of three girls, two of which are in dance classes and the other is a high school basketball player. Seriously, people – ain’t no mama got time for that! Except for the fact that this DIY toiletry essential takes less time to mix up than for me to drive to the store, search for the right tube, and read the fine print to ensure the ingredient list is vocabulary I recognize. More importantly, don’t forget: now that I’m forty-something, reading those [so-tiny-print-it-makes-me-think-it-was-meant-to-be-some-foreign-torture-tactic-when-actually-they’re-all-laughing-at-all-the-suckers] labels drives me cray-cray.

frugal tooth powder minerals and essential oils

Simple Tooth Powder Video

I’ve been making our own toothpaste and now tooth powder for around ten years. It happened during a season of our lives when being frugal was the key to our survival. Times were tough for our family. I am blessed with a dear friend who showed me how to be frugal and make my own household products. I will always be so grateful to her for setting me on the path of homesteading, whole foods, and DIY lifestyles. We are still friends to this day and I’m still her pupil. My hope is to have her guest-post here one day. Soon!

Around this same time my outlook on how we eat and what products we use on our skin and in our house was radically changed. At the time, I was involved in a MOPS group at a local church. One day our Mothers Of Preschoolers group had a nutritionist guest speaker. In short, the rest is history.

Side note: I mentioned above that I used to make toothpaste. I had to switch to tooth powder because we live on property that has a well and septic system. I noticed that the coconut oil-based toothpaste was clogging our pipes, no matter how much hot water I used while brushing. Thus, tooth powder to the rescue!

simple diy tooth powder

Tooth Powder Ingredients: what to use and why

  • Bentonite clay is what I use for the base because it’s full of minerals and cleanses/polishes your teeth.
  • Baking soda helps to remove plaque and whitens teeth.
  • Sea salt is antibacterial. ‘Nuf said.
  • Calcium Magnesium blend for good measure. I bought this when I first started making tooth powder because the recipe I followed had it listed as optional. Therefore, when I use it all, I will not purchase it again. I’m all about get-er-did as minimally as possible.
  • Xylitol for fighting tooth decay. This article explains that xylitol is an effective defense against bacteria that causes tooth decay. Certainly I’d rather use xylitol than fluoride. Any day.
  • A variety of essential oils for flavor and healing/anti-microbial properties.
essential oils orange rosemary cinnamon clove

What combinations have you tried?

Do you make your own tooth powder at home? What are your favorite ingredients and flavor combinations? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear about your personal research and creativity!

simple tooth powder bentonite clay salt minerals healing anitbacterial

Simple Tooth Powder with Minerals and Essential Oils recipe

You will need: (for our family of five, I use the following amounts which make two travel-size containers I purchased from Wal-Mart; adjust accordingly for your needs)

1/2 cup Bentonite Clay

1 tsp sea salt

1 tbl baking soda

2 tbl xylitol

1 tbl calcium/magnesium blend

2 drops Rosemary, 6-8 drops Orange, 4-6 drops Cinnamon, and 4-6 drops Clove essential oils per your preference

Simple tooth powder instructions

  1. Combine all dry ingredients in a glass bowl. This is important! Bentonite clay should NEVER come in contact with metal. In short, metal deactivates the healing properties of the clay. If you want the more scientific-y explanation, go here.
  2. Add all the essential oil drops and mix well.
  3. Place the tooth powder in desired container.

how to use

I use about 1/4 – 1/2 tsp to brush my teeth. I love the way it cleans and polishes my teeth. I’ve noticed that I have less plaque build up than with conventional toothpastes I’ve used in the past. In addition, my hygienist has even noticed cleaner teeth and less time she spends on my mouth. Score!

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healthy mineral tooth powder essential oils #simple #easy #frugal #toothpowder #minerals #clean #realingredients #essentialoils #healthy #diy #homemade
simple tooth powder frugal healthy ingredients

Simple Tooth Powder with Minerals and Essential Oils Recipe

You will need: (for our family of five, I use the following amounts which make two travel-size containers I purchased from Wal-Mart; adjust accordingly for your needs)


  • 1/2 cup Bentonite Clay
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tbl baking soda
  • 2 tbl xylitol
  • 1 tbl calcium/magnesium blend
  • 2 drops Rosemary 6-8 drops Orange, 4-6 drops Cinnamon, and 4-6 drops Clove essential oils per your preference


  • Simple Tooth Powder Instructions
  • Combine all dry ingredients in a glass bowl. This is important! Bentonite clay should NEVER come in contact with metal. In short, metal deactivates the healing properties of the clay. If you want the more scientific-y explanation,
  • go here
  • .
  • Add all the essential oil drops and mix well.
  • Place the tooth powder in desired container.


I use about 1/4 – 1/2 tsp to brush my teeth. I love the way it cleans and polishes my teeth. I’ve noticed that I have less plaque build up than with conventional toothpastes I’ve used in the past. In addition, my hygienist has even noticed cleaner teeth and less time she spends on my mouth. Score!