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An easy recipe for homemade yogurt with a secret ingredient that makes it thick. No straining required!
Servings: 1 gallon


  • 1 gallon organic milk, divided – this recipe makes a gallon of yogurt. Adjust recipe accordingly to how much you want to make.
  • 1 cup of reserved yogurt from a previous batch or plain, store bought with live, active cultures
  • 2 – 2 1/2 TBL of grass-fed gelatin. This is adjustable according to how thick you’d like your yogurt. I use about 2 1/4 TBL for a thick yogurt, not as thick as greek-style, though.


  • In the Instant Pot with yogurt function, pour 2 cups of milk into the insert pot. Press the Yogurt function and adjust to the “boil” setting. You just want to heat up the milk enough to dissolve the gelatin.
    Sprinkle the desired amount of gelatin over the milk
    Whisk in the gelatin until dissolved. This usually takes a few minutes. Check to see if dissolved with the back of a spoon. If milk appears smooth then it’s dissolved.
    Cancel the “boil” setting, press the yogurt function and adjust the setting to the desired culture time
    Now add the rest of the milk to cool the mixture down (we don’t want to kill the reserved/store bought yogurt that we’re using for culturing)
    Next place reserved (or store bought) yogurt in the milk and whisk to combine
    Set the lid on and leave until the cycle is complete
    When the culturing time is over, pour the yogurt into desired storage containers (like these) and allow to finish setting up/thicken for several hours, or overnight